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Dec 31, 2013 23:59

holiday love meme 2013

you know the drill! comment with your username and people will anonymously reply to your thread with bits of encouragement, well wishes, declarations of undying devotion, etc. secret santa style! tell all your friends and spread some lovely end of year cheer~

if you accidentally reply in the wrong place, please don't hesitate to let me know here and i'll delete stray comments for you!

when replying to someone else's love thread, to prevent misfires: DO CLICK "Reply" as shown in this cap. DO NOT CLICK "Post a new comment" as shown in these caps when you are attempting to reply to someone else's love meme thread with your love, because it will post a new TOP-LEVEL comment instead of replying to the proper thread. hopefully this makes sense and minimizes misfires!

deck the halls
http://gdgdbaby.livejournal.com/123403.html">holiday love meme 2013
my thread here

ily, #meme

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