Dec 14, 2003 21:49
I know I haven't really been posting or anything lately. It's mostly because I'm busy, but also because everything is just so... good? right now, that talking about feels like I'd be ruining it. I love keep memories to myself, keeping them trapped in my head to forever hold them tight. And it's like the more I tell people about it, the more I feel like I'm losing. It's odd, but that's me. So the grossly simplified version of my weekend has been Friday night at Cori's, Saturday at Maverick's with an appearance by Cori and then spending the night at her house (and her car almost got towed - it wasn't cool; I felt so bad), which led to me staying at her house until about 7:30 tonight. And it was wonderful, just being able to be with her and then be with my friends, no matter how odd they are. This week is going to be highly stressful, so I'm glad I have some good memories to keep me going.
Tomorrow, I have a History midterm on chapters 1-13 that I didn't study for. And then I only have ten documents for history and I need nine more by Wednesday, so I can finish my essay that night, because on Thursday I have a choir concert with a 5:30 call time, and then Friday it's due. I also need to readreadread The Grapes of Wrath so I can do a little work on the project part of it before and after going to Sarah's birthday party on Saturday. Depending how much I can get done on that, I'll either be going to La Crosse for Christmas on Sunday or Wednesday; Sunday with Melody and Molly, Wednesday with my mom. And then the 26th will be spent doing laundry as soon as we get back so I can have fresh clothes to go to Nicole's house on the 27th, and I'm there until the 3rd or 4th of January, haven't really figured it out yet, I think. And then the Grapes of Wrath is due on the 5th.
.. Agh. It all makes me want to beat myself over the head with a mallet. Just with the deadlines and so much work to do and such. It's really not cool. Blah.
So.. okay. Back to being frustrated because I can't find anything on the Election of 1912, a chapter of the Grapes of Wrath, and then bed.