ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Jul 29, 2013 23:12
insert your own subtext here, cheeky, fanservice ftw!, *burst into a blaze 2008, shiny, !ruki, big boys toys, !uruha, action shot, ^live, subtlety, just look at those arms!
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Jul 24, 2013 18:19
insert your own subtext here, cheeky, fanservice ftw!, !ruki, !uruha, action shot, ^live, subtlety
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Jun 09, 2013 09:52
insert your own subtext here, cheeky, too awesome for words, thighlicious, invisible masculinity, !uruha, action shot, short shorts are short, ^live, tight pants are tight, hard at work, subtlety, *nameless liberty six guns
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Mar 11, 2013 19:55
cheeky, *pulse wriggling to black, blingtastic, action shot, !aoi, ^live
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Feb 24, 2013 09:39
insert your own subtext here, cheeky, fanservice ftw!, thighlicious, !uruha, *nameless liberty six bullets, action shot, !aoi, ^live, tight pants are tight, frillseekers, dead animal chic, !geetar boiz
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Feb 02, 2013 19:33
cheeky, thighlicious, shiny, !ruki, pout like you mean it, !uruha, ^live, glove fetish, *decade, hard at work, flesh for fantasy
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Jan 18, 2013 10:13
insert your own subtext here, cheeky, fanservice ftw!, !ruki, !uruha, action shot, ^live, *decade, flesh for fantasy, subtlety
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Nov 05, 2012 23:54
cheeky, dimples, what is that on your head?, *filth in the beauty, belly button squeee!, thrift store chic, frillseekers, bondage-style, !band, adorkable, dead animal chic, ^promo work, crotch bling, just look at those arms!
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Oct 16, 2012 10:51
cheeky, visible piercings, thighlicious, coordinating costumes, !uruha, action shot, short shorts are short, om nom nom, !aoi, ^live, flesh for fantasy, !reita, !geetar boiz, *nameless liberty six guns, just look at those arms!
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Sep 11, 2012 00:31
cheeky, uber-emotive, invisible masculinity, shiny, *tokyo dome 2010, !uruha, action shot, !aoi, ^live, !geetar boiz, pink!