Whatever. Two cents.

Jan 09, 2009 01:19

So here is how I look at stuff. I'm a fairly rebellious girl: I don't like idiots telling me what to do, or trying to shower me with their moral high ground. I'm a Dark person by nature, and that means that I don't get to put on airs about who I am. So in all the time I've been here, I've seen several attempts to get some kind of half assed law ( Read more... )

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bowyourheadslow January 9 2009, 06:59:42 UTC
Of course the Alliance isn't law here. With the two recent incidents, however, it looks like they want to be. Harvey Dent essentially said as much.

I don't know how much information of theirs you have access to, but before you go about calling everyone else "stupid," take into account the fact that they have made nothing about themselves public beyond their reactions to these two events.


[Screened] gaz4prez January 9 2009, 12:51:15 UTC
Harvey Dent wants a shot at making a law-like faction in Econtra probably for the same reason back at his home: lawlessness was at such a high someone needed to take up the mantle. Far as I know, that Joker guy is from his world, so I can't really blame him. Of course, its impossible to do that here. We have too much of a mishmash of people here, how could we? This isn't a city where everyone is even close to like minded and never will be ( ... )


[Screened] bowyourheadslow January 9 2009, 17:26:12 UTC
It is most unlike you, Gaz, to say so many words that have so little substance.


Re: [Screened] gaz4prez January 9 2009, 17:30:21 UTC
Its not unlike you to to be rude, but I guess you think I had it coming.

So what's your take on this situation?


[Screened] bowyourheadslow January 9 2009, 18:43:28 UTC
Members of the so-called Alliance are a bunch of children who, through some naive desire to help everyone, have made the mistake of thinking they have real authority. They mistakenly assume that theirs is the will of the compound, and if they continue to act as they have been recently, they will become a problem worse than any clown or vampire.

It's not too late for them to step back and disband. But the point at which it is too late is approaching quickly.


Re: [Screened] gaz4prez January 9 2009, 19:31:01 UTC
I hoped that wasn't the case, but a lot of the Alliance guys must think that, or they wouldn't be taking the Harth thing so seriously. I think Heero must believe in it a little if he's willing to be judged for it.

But we'll see. Personally, I think the vamp is just hiding out right now. Dead, my ass.


[Screened] bowyourheadslow January 9 2009, 19:41:08 UTC
That incident can be ignored completely. It has nothing to do with the problem of their attempt to rule the rest of us.


Re: [Screened] gaz4prez January 9 2009, 20:36:19 UTC
I dunno if that was their intention. I think they were more trying to act like a sort of watchdog but snowballed into something bigger by accident.

I mean, "ruling you all" kinda seems a little big for them, doesn't it?


[Screened] bowyourheadslow January 9 2009, 20:40:54 UTC
They're the ones who want to determine what is right, what is wrong, and how to punish those they deem worthy of punishment. That's the kind of power they think they have. Either they stop, or I will put them in their place.


Re: [Screened] gaz4prez January 9 2009, 20:46:48 UTC
No, they're the ones that were trying to stop the Joker and their kind from going around and hurting people. Sure, its taking matters in their own hands, but somebody's got to when things like this go unchecked.

Their fault was not approaching others in Econtra about it, I'll give you that. But they haven't done anything major aside from the Joker, and everything else has been situations involving members of the organization, not them as a whole.

If they'd gone beyond that and were trying to do what you're suggesting, I'd been trying to stop them before this got so big.


[Screened] bowyourheadslow January 9 2009, 20:51:55 UTC

You have the situation entirely backward.


Re: [Screened] gaz4prez January 9 2009, 21:14:37 UTC
Uh, since I'm the one paying attention to it, and you're the one offering these simple answers without elaboration, I'd like to know how you factor that.


[Screened] bowyourheadslow January 9 2009, 22:17:23 UTC
I doubt it's worth it, since you aren't understanding a word of what I'm saying.


Re: [Screened] gaz4prez January 9 2009, 22:27:36 UTC
If you're gonna assume that, then it isn't worth it. I'm telling you what I know and you're telling me speculation. When I give you more information, you give me one sentence answers. If this were switched, you'd be getting pretty ticked right now.


[Screened] bowyourheadslow January 9 2009, 23:09:40 UTC
You're telling me absolutely nothing. Until your words have actual content behind them, I see no point in further conversation.


Re: [Screened] gaz4prez January 9 2009, 23:23:53 UTC
You want to know something, ask. If there's anyone to trust around here, its you, right?


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