Whatever. Two cents.

Jan 09, 2009 01:19

So here is how I look at stuff. I'm a fairly rebellious girl: I don't like idiots telling me what to do, or trying to shower me with their moral high ground. I'm a Dark person by nature, and that means that I don't get to put on airs about who I am. So in all the time I've been here, I've seen several attempts to get some kind of half assed law enforcement going, pretty much all failing, which is pretty much inevitable. But through all the names of these groups, Bonfire and then a new one, the Alliance, there came a certain purpose: to protect those that have been attacked, to help victims cope, that sort of stuff.

Well now we come across Harth Fray. Yeah, the vamp that goes around causing trouble and torturing, but who no one crosses because his sister is a big, scary slayer (yeah, I keep up). Now this vamp is dead, and the alliance, who pretty much has little to no involvement, wants to know how we proceed with Heero, the guy who supposedly takes responsibility for Harth's death. Seem a little strange? It is. Now I've heard BS conversations that the Alliance wants to decide everyone's fate. Stupid uninformed people think this and immediately say, "The Alliance does not stand for ME!" Never mind Heero accepted responsibility first. No, its pretty simple why the Alliance wants to "Pass judgement" on Heero: he's a part of them, and they don't want the Alliance coming across as crazy vigilantes.

Which people who know nothing about the Alliance will think. The problem is that Alliance people are so scared about it that they want to be fair. I say fuck that. Harth and people like him aren't going to play fair, and they're counting on your guilty consciences to make things worse. I mean, come on, before you imprisoned that Joker guy, did you even hear what he was talking about? He wants to bring out the worse in you guys, and he really doesn't need to do much! You're so eager to please a shitty system you'll judge one of your own, or try to listen to people who want "justice" for "Harth." The hell with that! Harth was a bastard and if he's dead, he didn't die like a victim.

Yeah, I said it, IF he's dead. Think about it.

My plea (yeah, whatever, I'm hoping) is that you guys aren't stupidly buying into the "alliance=law" crap, and that you Alliance guys aren't going to disavow your standards just because people here are skiddish at the mention of a group of people wanting justice. Chances are, these guys haven't bothered to even do anything worthwhile. Seek the truth. That is what's needed now.

Yeah, and to you guys that think Harth was innocently killed? The hell with you.
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