Jan 28, 2009 13:45
So I've decided I might start blogging again. With the wedding over, life is just uneventful enough to notice the joys of living in Kentucky. Anyhow, here's a post I wrote to my other super-secret blog (j/k) and didn't post here. I'm going to have to figure out some way to post to both... Hrm... So I wrote this 1/16/09.
Disclaimer: what you are about to read is filled with broad generalizations. Get over it.
In case you didn't know, I live in Louisville, Kentucky. (Pause for hickville jokes and guffaws.) Coming from Oregon, I always thought Kentucky was more toward the South. People have accents, use (extremely) poor grammar (including a plethora of made-up words), and are really, very nice. Some other things I associate with the South: Republicans, horses, and warm weather.
In case you didn't know, I have family in Alaska. (Pause for Palin jokes and guffaws.) Living in Kentucky, I've recently thought Alaska was more toward the North (or its own continent... whatever). People have accents, look surly, and generally are surly. Some other things I associate with the North: good seafood, skiing, and cold weather.
What the heck happened?! It has been warmer in Alaska than in Kentucky. (Pause to allow you to read that again.) Yesterday morning, as I was driving into work, I considered stopping a moment to touch my tongue to a light pole to see if it would really stick. Fortunately, my body is deep frozen so I couldn't move to reenact that famous scene from whatever that "You'll shoot your eye out, kid" movie was. I bet Ralphie doesn't believe in global warming. I even bet many of those liberal Portlanders are starting to wonder. They just had the biggest snow storm in the last half (frickin') century. All those years I wished for a white Christmas... ::sigh::
I got into my car this morning and the little screen of life (it allows me to use my iPod in the car) came on - half way. It was there though, faintly telling me that it was 1 degree - telling me that even it, an inanimate object fueled by electrical pulses, was too cold to work. I truly believe that the only reason it read 1 degree is because it can't go any lower than that.
So tonight I'm sitting here wondering exactly where my ski suit is. (brb)
The Boy is trying to talk to me about money. I think my whining is over. I'll be back later.