Sep 13, 2010 22:34
Write code write code critical thinking
its all about "fill in the blank"
its all about critical thinking
i got 100 on my project today whoot!
in times where those who we look up to shake the foundations of our trust
we should try to remember that the significance of our existence is not dependent on that foundation
it is not dependent on anything to do with that person unless some personal interaction since your
coming into existence has had an effect on them. Strictly speaking the effect in question may be of little importance anyways because of a much broader view we can adopt.
We exist to experience.
Our very nature, of survival, of philosophical thought processes, of the mind, and body
it is all for the purpose of experiencing
if not experienced in this life then in one of the many it will be so.
The significance of for instance lets say a parental figure's choice that led to your existence in the first place or what led to that choice, or if the choice was regretted later is insignificant when looking at the fact that in some life past or future the significance of their birth may have been looked upon as of little importance. In some life they will not be a choice regretted, but rather have only existed for seconds, or in some lesser form. We all must experience all things until we enlighten ourselves of this fact and several others.
When the foundation of trust is shaken or broken between us and somebody we look up to, or looked up to
we should remember the things in our lives that we did for good or for selfishness, or righteousness, or whatever the motivation and whatever the outcome. This is the true sum of our significance at face value, for it cannot be seen to us the effects of out actions after we pass through the veil. This is why it is always a good idea to live humbly, and act honorably, with an indomitable spirit for the betterment of all sentient beings on this planet. Without this the sum of our significance in existence may be greatly vast but without honor. And when looking back at ones life it is found to be easier when looking at memories of honorable actions. It is in these words that i genuinely feel true.
I wouldn't let what others say bother you, in time perhaps they will see the error and the wrongness of their actions, or choices, or even thought processes if they reflect enough on it. I hope that for most people that the time for that will be sometime in their present lives. I feel that as a consciousness as a whole people need to progress more and quicker than currently being seen, in fact sometimes i wonder if as a whole we are not regressing.
Back to the code i guess peace for now~