Title: I Miss You More Under Cloudy Skies
gay_lovecompanyPairing: HeechulxSungmin
Chapter: 2/2
Rating: Pfft.. G
Warning: Nothing really. Shortness? EPIC FAIL.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone mentioned in this fic.
Synopsis: Heechul has been away from Sungmin for three days, six hours, thirteen minutes, and ninteen seconds.. but who's counting? Sungmin really misses his "Chul" especially under cloudy skies when it's about to storm.
Part 1 When Sungmin woke up it was anything but pleasant. Strings of curses were coming out of his mouth that virgin ears should not hear. A bright light was streaming through his window right in his face and he was blinded as soon as he opened his eyes. So blinded that he tripped over everything in his way when he got out of bed. "Minnie, you okay?" Leeteuk called.
"Yeah, just hurt myself is all." Sungmin answered.
"Do you need any help?"
"No. I'm good, thanks." Sungmin reached out for his cell phone and checked his missed calls. He smiled to himself when he saw that Heechul had called him four times while he was asleep. He went to his voicemail and waited for it to repeat what Heechul left for him.
"Wakey, wakey Minnie! Get out of bed, eat some breakfast, and go into Leeteuk's bedroom, there is a surprise waiting for you!" Surprise? I love surprises! Screw breakfast.
Sungmin scurried out of his room and down the hall toward his umma's room. "Ummaaaa! Where's my surprise!?" He yelled while running. When he looked into the room, however, he knew what the surprise was. "Heechul!"
"Sungmin!" Heechul ran to the younger boy and wrapped his arms around him. "I couldn't wait to come home, so I just told my parents and they understood."
"You didn't have to do that."
"I know I didn't have to, but aren't you glad I did?" Heechul smiled.
"I hate when there's a storm." Sungmin pouted. He turned around to see Heechul smiling at him as if he was the cutest thing he has ever seen. "What?"
"Oh, nothing. If you dislike storms so much, why do you always watch them?"
"They always remind me of you." He answered.
"Because I know if I ever get scared from one, you're always right there to comfort me."
A/N: Well.. It was going to be wayyy longer, but oh well! =P I was bored and I was thinking, "Screw it. I'll just cut to the chase." XD So.. there you are! I'm not really satisfied with the whole thing, but it doesn't matter! Only matters if
sunflower_petal likes it. XD If you want me to write another fic for you from a prompt, you can request in a comment on this one. But no more Heemin right now! Choose another pairing and I can finish the whole thing within a week. =D