Title: I Miss You More Under Cloudy Skies (XD I stole the title from a prompt!)
gay_lovecompany Pairing: HeechulxSungmin (more obvious this time)
Chapter: 1/2
Rating: PG maybe.. has potential for PG-13 though
Warning: Heechul perversion
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone mentioned in this fic.
Synopsis: Heechul has been away from Sungmin for three days, six hours, thirteen minutes, and nineteen seconds.. but who's counting? Sungmin really misses his "Chul" especially under cloudy skies when it's about to storm.
Note: This is for
sunflower_petal who requested this fic. XD And even if you're the only one reading it, oh well!
It's been exactly three days, six hours, thirteen minutes and nineteen seconds since Heechul left to visit his family. Every second since he left, Sungmin has been looking out of the window with his cell phone clutched to his chest. A loud booming was heard outside and Sungmin flinched. He had never liked thunderstorms and wished that Heechul was next to him more than anything else in the world.
"Sungmin, get away from the window. Don't you know lightning can strike you?" Leeteuk warned. Sungmin continued to stare out of the window at the rain falling down on the pavement. Leeteuk gave a sigh and sat next to him. "Are you thinking about Heechul?"
"Yeah. I just miss him. When is he coming home?" He asked.
"One more week."
"I don't know if I'll live that long." Leeteuk patted Sungmin's back and led him to his bed with much hesitation from the smaller boy.
"Of course you will, Minnie. Call him tomorrow to show him just how much you care, I'm sure he'll like that." He tucked Sungmin in his bed and turned out the light before leaving the room.
"Come on, come on. Pick up!" After the tenth ring to Heechul's phone Sungmin was getting annoyed. "Doesn't he want to talk to me!?"
"Heechul! What are you doing?"
"I was eating dinner. Sorry I didn't pick up on the first few rings." Heechul apologized.
"It's okay, it's just great to hear your voice again. I miss you." Sungmin said.
"I miss you too, I'll be back there soon so don't worry."
"It's not soon enough though! I want you here now." He pouted.
"You know I can't just leave but I promise I'll be with you before you know it."
"Fine. Yesterday there was a thunderstorm, I was really scared. I feel safer when you're here, are you sure you can't come now?" Sungmin asked hopefully.
"No, I can't. I'll scare away the big bad thunderstorms though if they ever mess with you again." Heechul chuckled.
"I know I can always count on you to make me feel better. Do you have internet there?"
"Of course. Why?"
"Sign on there, my phone is going dead."
"Okay, hold on."
"Hurry up, it's beeping."
"Alright, I'm signed on." He finally said.
"Okay, bye."
Sungmin immediately ran to his laptop and flipped it open. He had an IM from 'Heerella'. He quickly clicked accept and read the IM.
Heerella: Hey, baby. What r u wearing? Jk.
3l1t3pimpkins: Omg u perv. Nothing btw. ;P
Heerella: Ooh me likes.
3l1t3pimpkins: U would. Where r ur parents?
Heerella: Downstairs. U thinking what I'm thinking?
3l1t3pimpkins: OMG ur hungry 2?
Heerella: *Headdesk*
3l1t3pimpkins: What?
Heerella: Nvm.
3l1t3pimpkins: Brb.
Heerella: K.
3l1t3pimpkins: K back and with food!
Heerella: What r u going 2 eat?
3l1t3pimpkins: Pumpkin pie of course.
Heerella: Mm I want sum.
3l1t3pimpkins: U can hav sum if u cum now.
Heerella: Talk dirty 2 me and I will.
3l1t3pimpkins: What?
3l1t3pimpkins: OMG PERV. I meant come here now!
Heerella: ;P So what if I'm a perv? U love me 4 it anyways.
3l1t3pimpkins: Yea guess I do.
Heerella: :D I is lurved!
3l1t3pimpkins: Hey I g2g. Call me 2morrow?
Heerella: Okay. Good night, Min-ah.
3l1t3pimpkins: Good night, Chul.
A/N: I haven't went over this yet. XD So random bits and pieces are put together because.. I didn't do all this in one sitting. @_@ At least the first part is down though. =D Also the IM conversation is very much like the IMs I have now. Let's just say.. I act more like "Heerella". Don't ask. XD