Oh yeah, I forgot to say... as for a suggestion, make it into a proper Heemin fic? lol idk XDD I'm craving Heemin atm. :( BUT OMG HEEMIN AT SUPERSHOW. LOOK:
I'm writing a Heemin fic right now! Mwahaha. I've already developed some ideas for it and it's going to be looooong. I've written the first chapter(it's short) and I'm almost done with the second. =D I may post it soon but I'm putting it on friends lock. If you want to read it, I guess you could friend me because I'm that evil. >=)
I will go read. 8D If it's Heemin, I will probably like it - even if someone dies. >__> But that wasn't an invitation to kill them. XD
XDD hooray for friends. ^__^ I made most of my LJ friends either through Super Junior memes or TCGs... there's only maybe 3 on my list that are not part of the Suju fandom. ^^;
It's not like it's going to be really heavy Heemin. Like.. OMG they like.. TOUCHED! Or something? Or maybe I'm just weird like that. No one will die! Well... er.. I don't want to ruin it for you, but all the deaths in the fic are fake. =D So no one dies.
The only other friend I have here is a friend from school.. and mad_hatt I guess but I haven't friended them yet. XD
*Q* -dies-
In that picture, it looks like Sungmin doesn't have any hair, but cute nonetheless. =D
As for your suggestion... No. =D I don't have any ideas to make them like that, so I won't. =P
I might add some more this weekend, but not sure what. Look out for it?
But yay~ another friend. My second on here so far because I'm pretty anti-social. XD
XDD hooray for friends. ^__^ I made most of my LJ friends either through Super Junior memes or TCGs... there's only maybe 3 on my list that are not part of the Suju fandom. ^^;
The only other friend I have here is a friend from school.. and mad_hatt I guess but I haven't friended them yet. XD
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