Title: Snowflakes
gay_lovecompanyChapter: 1/1 (One-shot)
Pairing: None.
Genre: Angst? >.> I don't know
Rating: PG for mentions of.. wanting to hurt someone.
Warnings: Short, a little depressing maybe, nothing reallyyyy. Oh. Evil Kyuhyun.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone mentioned in this fic.
Synopsis: Shindong sometimes just doesn't see the point in being in Super Junior.
Note: 10-15 minutes? Lol. Sorry for posting SO ~ many fics today. I've just been in a writing mood.
Written in Shindong's POV
Looking out the window on a snow day is dangerous. It really gets you to thinking.
Snowflakes can fall to the ground and land on the other snowflakes. Snowflakes could always rely on each other.
In Super Junior, I don't have anyone to rely on. Everyone already has someone. I used to feel like I'm part of something. Ever since Kyuhyun joined though, my parts in songs were cut. The feeling of fitting in was snatched away.
When he walks in, all eyes are on him. His presence just demands attention. Everyone starts talking about him even when he's not there.
"He's so handsome.."
"...Amazing singer..."
"...Extremely nice."
It makes me want to vomit. Do they ever talk about me when I'm not around? They used to say I'm funny but their attention is now directed elsewhere.
He smirks at me, as if bragging about all the attention he's receiving. It makes me want to punch the smirk off his face.
Sometimes I wish I was a snowflake; just so I could slowly fall down then eventually melt into a state of nothing.
A/N: Written on snowy day. <.< It really gets me to thinking too. Which comes out as ~ you guessed it, fics. I promise I won't post anymore fics today, but I'm going to continue writing.
Comment and give Shindong some love~!