Title: Coffee
gay_lovecompanyPairing: RyeowookxYehsung
Genre: Hmm. Humor?
Rating: PG
Warnings: Implied yaoi, confusion while reading, EPIC FAIL
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone mentioned in this fic.
Synopsis: Yehsung is obessed over a certain something or someone.
Note: Wrote this in like 5 minutes this time. Mwahaha ~ I can write really fast when I have an idea. >.> Written in Yehsung's POV, by the way.
I swear everyone is out to get my wife.
The Eunhae double tag team came running in, almost knocking her over. Didn't their mothers tell them to respect women?
Shiwon, the holy roller, comes in and slaps his bible down on the table, making her jump. He gives us both a long speech that we're going to Hell but I only listened to half of it; I was too busy staring at the beautiful woman beside me.
Around lunch time, China Man just shoves her over so he could cook. Just because the princess is having a hissy fit doesn't mean he could inconsiderately push her.
She sits next to Appa and Umma but they're too busy making more babies. You'd think they'd stop after 11. They better not have tainted her.
I take her back to my room so we could have some peace and quiet, but Ryeowook was there. Oh boy.
"Jongwoon, why aren't you paying attention to me?" I know I'm in for it from his tone, but his attempt at being mad was amusing. His lips were forming a pout, his eyes were squinted, and his hands were on his hips. Honestly it made him look even more like a kid.
"I've been with my wife all day. You know how she craves my attention."
"I crave attention too, you know! And for Pete's sake, it's only coffee!"
I gasped at that. "ONLY coffee!? She is not ONLY coffee! By the way, who is Pete? Are you cheating on me?"
"Jongwoon, why don't you set her down for a little and spend some time with me?" Ryeowook patted my bed signaling me to sit next to him. I cast an unsure glance down to my coffee.. *ahem* I mean my wife, but Ryeowook snatches it out of my hands, sets it down on a table, and yanks me down on my bed. Wherever he put her, I hope she's not watching because it's going to be a long night.
A/N: Yay ~ Yehwook. Anyone else a Yehwook fan? >.> 2 fics in 1 day, wow. I'm working like a bunny. To clear this story all up, Yehsung is insane and refers to his coffee as his "wife". Ryeowook is a jealous housewife. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. Comments please? It'll make me write faster ~