(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 20:34

List five songs that you currently love. It doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the songs in your blog. Then tag five other Livejournal friends to see what they're listening to.

(i have also been tagged twice, so should i just do ten aswell?)

1. Set the Fire to the Third Bar by Snow Patrol, this must be the most beautiful song i've ever heard in my life and i'm rather addicted to it cause i just can't stop myself 
    from listening to it all the time

2. Another Sunny Day by Belle and Sebastian, this is an amazing song and it's really catchy although i do love every Belle and Sebastian song i've ever heard cause 
    they are just so good :)

3. Temptation by Heaven 17, an 80's dance tune and i suppose it's not really that good but i just love it and i found out the other day that unfortunately cradle of filth have 
    done a cover of it and it sounds terrible which is a shame. :(

4. Take a Chance by The Magic Numbers, they must be the best band at feel good songs ever, can't help but love them, gutted we didn't get to go to the concert :
    (definately go to the next one though :P)

5. Talk by Coldplay, i have the feeling that many of the songs i choose will be coldplay ones cause they are awesome! i love coldplay! yeah, so this is one of the main 
    ones i'm listening to at the moment along with a few others that i shall write down next

6. Clocks by Coldplay, partly the same reason as above so i won't go into how much i love coldplay again

7. The Scientist by Coldplay, also an amazing song and it's by coldplay so how can it not be good :)

8. Yellow by Coldplay, even though it always makes me cry cause it's just so good although it is rather melancholy but i can't help but love it aswell

9. BYOB by System of a Down, always heard this song at the mission but i've only just found out what the song was called, was so happy when i found it. love system of 
    a down aswell plus thought this list could be doing with a song that wasn't by coldplay :)

and last but not least

10. If She Wants Me by Belle and Sebastian, also a brilliant song, i'm sure it was one on the ones they played at the concert that i went to with Susan which was just so 
      good it was unbelievable :)

so there you have it

and i shall tag
caroline, susan, dora, kirsty (although i know you've already done it once) and hazel
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