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Oct 01, 2006 16:01

awww, practically everyone is away in germany apart from caroline, susan, martin and me. it's been so quiet at school, it's quite wierd. i miss them. :( hope they are all having a brilliant time.

it's marsailidh's birthday today so i phoned her this morning with caroline and we left a voice mail, my nan wasn't best pleased when she found out that i called germany. oh well, it was fun anyway.

went up to carolines work before 5 yesterday and bought marsailidh's card and some water which i drank whilst waiting for caroline. she came out after quarter past and we headed to the bus stop to get the 26 up town. we drank our 'coke' mostly on the bus, and i actually finished mine this time which i was quite proud of, oh and caroline bought us those glow stick bracelets which was really cool (thank you!). yeah so we walked down the road towards the mission and bumped into alisdair and julie who were just going to the shop and then went and stood in the queue for a while. then we got in nad went to the loo, gave sinead her card (cause she was there for her birthday aswell which is tomorrow) then put our bags in the cloakroom etc etc. actually spent most of the night dancing with sinead and megan and their friend(not quite sure what her name is though, oops) i think it might be the most amount of time i've spent dancing there in a while. and obviously i spent some time with caroline as well which is always a laugh :) so we had a great time there and then we saw alan and sean on the wall afterwards, how much do i not like that boy (sean not alan obviously) so i just didn't speak to him. then we went for chips on the royal mile cause we were kinda hungry and the chippy at my bit isn't that nice so we polished off a large bag of chips between us (i think i burnt my finger a little cause the bag was really hot). we were waiting at the 26 bus stop but i realised we would be quicker getting the 22 home so we rushed to get it as one was just coming along the road. so we got back to mine and had some water and stuff and got ready for bed. we were in my nan's bed and we just sat cackling for like an hour, twas very funny. we were up at like half 7 and just started laughing again as we do. i made us some bacon and scrambled egg for breakfast and caroline made us some toast so that filled a gap as they say. then we tried to phone marsailidh a few times and the ringing noise was freaking us out because it just beeped every once in a while instead of ringing, eventually we just left a voice mail which probably sounds a bit mad, and i got a text from marsailidh in the middle of it which made me laugh, i hope we didn't get cut off.

yeah so that was last night/this morning. oh yeah, we dropped caroline off at work before we went to the gyle to do some shopping and then came back and had lunch and i am trying to do homework just now, i've got quite a bit to do. hopefully i get it finished before alan comes at 6 otherwise i'll be up late/up early in the morning.

all in all a great weekend, i wish i had people staying over at my house more often, it's so much fun. so excited about marsailidh's party on friday/saturday. (oh that's another thing, i had an interview at sainsbury's on thursday so i'm waiting to hear back about it, i think it's looking pretty good though. unfortunately it means that i would probably have to be doing my induction thing the same weekend as marsailidh's party so if i do get it the starting times had better not be too early or i'll be a bit knackered) but that might not happen, i don't know.

what else is there to say...oh, i'm going to be teaching technical drawing to first years block 3 on a tuesday as part of my cdt prefecting stuff. you don't have to but i put my name down for it anyway cause mr stevenson said it would be good for people that don't have a lot of confidence (apparently he was talking about me when he said that, lol) anyway, i'm going to give it a go, i don't have to teach them this week cause he is going to get them started but starting the week after that i will be. ahhhhh, i'm quite scared. :(

i think that's it now
yeah it must be

i should probably get back to homework but i can't stop listening to music
although they are amazing songs but i may be addicted, i'd better switch them off but i know i won't

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