this weekend

Sep 11, 2006 07:12

well, what have i been up to this weekend?

on saturday i got up and went to my granny's with my dad, she was trying to get my to go to a recruitment thing at ocean terminal but ha it's not till next weekend, i'm quite fed up listening to my whole family going on about jobs and asking what i've been doing about it, it just seems like even if i do get one they will never be happy about it, now if i was any one of my cousins and they were me it would be fine for them not too and people wouldn't be moaning at them all the time, oh well, isn't it fun being the odd one out in a family. then we went up town and met my aunty and uncle and my cousins and we went to marks for some lunch and ate it in the gardens. then we wandered around town while my aunty did some shopping then went to h and m cause i needed a new top as i had spilt ice cream on my t shirt earlier on and i didn't want to go to the playhouse looking a mess, so obviously my gran had to start with the whole after this you have to buy your own clothes speech.
so then i went back to my grans and had some tea and got ready before my dad gave my a lift up the road to the playhouse. waited on caroline for a few minutes and then we went in cause we had bought tickets for Ross Noble. so we found our seats, they were at the start of row N so we walked through the first part of row N and right to the end when we could have just gone around it which was quite amusing but at least thw row was empty when we did it, a bit later on this couple did the same thing but in the opposite direction and everyone had to stand up to let them past. then we had some popcorn and the show started, it was so funny especially the whole owl bit and the bit at the end with the only chicken in kfc. also a fight broke out in the middle of it which was quite wierd, all u could hear was the woman calling this guy a midget and then the security people came running up the middle to take him away, apparently it started cause the guy had been talking and they had asked him to be quiet. once it finished we went to stand on the corner at john lewis to wait on my dad picking us up, then we dropped caroline at her house and then went home.

sunday we went to the gyle to do some shopping and what not, then came home did a bit of work watched a film and then read my book and went to sleep so sunday wasn't one of the more intertesting days that i've had.

thats all for now
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