more stuff

Aug 29, 2006 18:47

not much to do just now, so i suppose i will update this thing again.

saturday... went to james' for about 1pm and bumped into marsailidh and eilidh on the way there, then met dora and walked through the woods to james. andrew was already there when we arrived, then megan and sam turned up and then susan and kirsty came a bit after that. sat around talking and stuff, then the conversation turned to politics so i sat and read my book cause i really didn't know what they were on about as i am quite stupid. then we walked along to the church hall in d mains and met up with peter and katie to do some of the filming. jenni and graeme also came to see us and martin turned up later and went straight to the chippy. eventually we were ready and did the bits that we needed to get done and i annoyed andrew with the fact that i'd won. then i got pissed off at andrew for some things he said and was rather upset about it (almost cried at the bus stop, how embarrassing would that have been) but what does that matter. got on the 41 nearer half seven and went into town then got another bus along the road a bit to save time then walked down to the mission, put my bag in the cloakroom and found caroline and alisdair.danced around a bit and then sat around a bit, just the usual really. saw jason but he didn't really aknowledge me, plus he'd found a prettier, thinner person to hang around so...then we met alan and sean and some other people on the wall outside and went up to near hunter's square and stood around chatting for a while, then got the 26 home.

sunday...went to the park for 2 and did some more filming, then went down to andrew's house to do susan and martin's parts that were still left to do. then i popped back to susan's for her to get changed and we got the bus in to town and met callum and stood in the queue for the belle and sebastian concert that we were going to in the gardens just after 6. eventually we got in and sat down till after 7 when the support act (camera obscura) started and then belle and sebastian didn't come on till nearer half 8, but it was so worth the wait cause they were amazing!! even though i didn't actually know any of their songs. afterwards hopped on a 26 and then got some chips for tea on the way home.

yesterday, nothing much happened, was still not speaking to andrew so he was trying to find out why but i couldn't be bothered to tell him, if he couldn't figure it out for himself then whats the point so today i just gave him a note and basically said that it was all my fault and he had done nothing wrong, i was was just a horrible person and was in a bad mood (i forgot just how used, i am, to giving that speech), so he probably feels better about it now, (not that he was really bothered in the first place) so that's sorted.

ahh! physics nab tomorrow, oh dear!

also found out that i have stuff to do every saturday for like the next seven weeks (apart from 2) which is really good, cause they are all going to be really fun, marsailidh's bbq this week, then ross noble, then a free saturday, then my party, then another free day, then marsailidh's party and then martin's the week after. i'm rather looking forward to all of these things, so that'll be good. (see i am cheering up for once)

bye for now
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