Gay Men Still Praise Him! is currently under construction.

Apr 13, 2016 13:53

I'm Clarence.
Years ago, I used to lead worship for various churches, camps, crusades, revivals, and other sorts of services. I've preached a bit, ministered in music, and also performed concerts.
And all as a closeted gay man.
The struggle of accepting myself was intense. It bothered me that I was a type of person on the platform or behind the pulpit, yet a different guy altogether at home. I even thought that if I got married to a woman that it would changed everything. It didn't.
It wasn't until I was in my mid-30s that I said, "Enough is enough," and came out of the closet.
I'm gay. And I'm still a Christian.
It is my intent with this live journal to encourage, enlighten, educate, and motivate others within the LGBT community as well as our allies with messages I've written, pictures, memes, and worship videos and concerts.
It's okay to be gay. If you're gay or lesbian but also a Christian, you're not going to hell for it. That doesn't even line up with the Word of God.
Follow me here. I hope to help you feel better about yourself and to let you know you're loved just the way you are.
God bless!


#gaymenstillpraisehim #lgbt #jesuslovesg

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