#38: Peek-a-boo Elephant

Sep 11, 2006 11:47





S2 - Tranquility II layout made for the second round of the 7th version of LLS run at freelayouts. The theme was  Animals .

G E N E R A L     I N F O R M A T I O N

Works with ads?:

Yes: set your ad orientation to  Horizontal Placement  or  Placement Between Entries .


Smooth Sailing.

Tested in:

IE and Mozilla Firefox.

Best Resolution:

1024*768 and above

Works with Navigation Strip?:


Known issues:

This layout has a few minor flaws:
  • The footer looks cut off. I wanted to add an image in there, but failed.
  • The archive page looks very bad.[See]


    Please put a link to gawariel_design in your profile or sidebar.


    I N S T A L L A T I O N

    Go to Manage:


    Select a New Theme:

    • Type Tranquility II in the search box.
    • Click 'Search'.
    • Apply   any   theme that you get in the search results, it doesn't really matter which one!

    Choose a Page Setup:


    The following sections can be found in the left, blue sidebar of the page.
    Only the sections I mention are the ones you MUST adjust. You can play with the rest as you please.

    Custom CSS:

    • Use layout's stylesheet(s): No
    • Custom external stylesheet URL: Leave empty
    • Custom stylesheet: Paste the stylesheet (given bellow) in this box.
    Hit "save changes".

    I M A G E S     &     C O D E


    The images are hosted on my account, but it is recommended that you upload them yourself. Don't forget to change the URL's in the code!


    /* AVAILABLE AT GAWARIEL_DESIGN (http://community.livejournal.com/gawariel_design/) */
    /* CREATED BY GAWARIEL (http://gawariel.livejournal.com/) */

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    E X T R A


    T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G

    Before asking any questions, make sure you read all information above thouroughly and that your question isn't adressed in the FAQ.

    If your problem still isn't solved, you are welcome to ask your question here

    L L S     v 0 . 7

    Here are all the layouts I entered in the LLS v0.7 contest over at freelayouts:

    Round 1

    Audition - Tree

    Round 2

    Back to School - Back to School

    Round 3

    Animals - Peek-a-boo Elephant

    Round 4

    Weather - Dancing in the Rain

    Round 5

    Smooth Sailing - Nocturne

    Round 6

    Patterns - The Patterns of my Ways
    I got eleminated with this layout.

layouts: account status: plus, layouts: contests: lls_v0.7, layouts: account status: paid, layouts: [s2]: tranquility ii, layouts: account status: basic, layouts: contests, layouts: [s2], layouts

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