I just joined the community
mission101_2009 and have set myself 101 tasks to do by 28 September 2011, which are as follows:
1. Go for at least a month without losing my temper
2. Visit five football grounds I haven’t been to before and buy match programmes (5/5)
3. Throw out some of my old clothes and books and take them to a charity shop
4. Go swimming at least once a week
5. Keep my flat tidy
6. Attend a taekwon-do judges’ course
7. Meet up with my university friends
8. Get a promotion at work
9. Get my 2nd degree black belt in taekwon-do
10. Get a tattoo
11. Lose my beer belly
12. Get to know my next door neighbours better
13. Donate money to charity
14. Act assertively towards someone in a situation where I need to do so, e.g. telling my friends if they are rude towards me
15. Visit the outdoor swimming pool at Holborn and experience outdoor swimming in winter
16. Go jogging at least once a month
17. Visit Scotland or Ireland
18. Make 20 recipes using my Nintendo DS cooking guide (20/20)
19. Grow a beard
20. Learn another language
21. Become a full member of the Royal Town Planning Institute
22. Take part in a sponsored event
23. Pay my bills on time each month
24. Take an interest in two new singers/bands (2/2)
25. Purchase two new football replica shirts
26. Water my hyacinths regularly so that they bloom
27. Not apologise when someone bumps into/barges into/pushes me in the street
28. Cook a proper meal (rather than a ready meal) at least once a week
29. Visit an art exhibition
30. Perform my job consistently
31. Change my hairstyle
32. Attend a service at my local church
33. Grow a moustache for Movember
34. Read at least 30 books I’ve not read yet (30/30)
35. Read an autobiography NOT written by a footballer
36. Attend a rugby match
37. Watch a proper cricket match
38. Attend my local cinema at least five times a year (5/5)
39. Go at least a month without getting horribly drunk
40. Join a club
41. Remember to cut my nails regularly
42. Go to at least two music concerts (2/2)
43. Learn to bake a cake
44. Ignore the trolls on GameFAQs.com
45. Overcome my inhibitions about showering in public and actually take a shower after five-a-side
46. Join another art class
47. Finish the X-Files fan fiction I started a few years ago and never completed
48. Go hillwalking
49. Complete my “one picture for each day of the year” photo challenge
50. Visit the Odeon cinema at Leicester Square
51. Strike up one conversation a month with a person I don’t know (33/33)
52. Keep my diary up to date regularly for a month
53. Visit a health spa and get a massage
54. Watch at least three martial arts movies (3/3)
55. Meet up with one person who I haven’t seen in the last few years
56. Start drinking tea or coffee
57. Read a passage from a favourite author before I go to bed every evening for a month (31/31)
58. Read some of the bible at least once a week
59. Do sit ups/push ups at least once a week
60. Watch 10 movie classics I’ve not yet seen (10/10)
61. Put a video on Youtube
62. Break a board in taekwon-do
63. Go for a month without winding up the Arsenal fans I work with, however much it amuses me
64. Pull a successful (and believeable) april fools joke
65. Record my dreams on a regular basis and attempt to interpret them
66. Stop moaning about my friends for at least a month
67. Go shirtless in public on a hot day without feeling self-conscious about it
68. Get a new pair of sunglasses
69. Complete the episode guide to The X-Files I started online years ago
70. Arrange a meal out for myself and my friends to celebrate my birthday
71. Watch a Bollywood movie
72. Encourage someone else to join the taekwon-do class I attend (even if just for one lesson)
73. Sing karaoke using the microphone
74. Watch a play by the Royal Shakespeare Company
75. Visit my local museum
76. Invite a few friends round to my flat for drinks
77. Have a meal out in Gourmet Burger
78. Earn more money than I spend for one month
79. Give blood
80. Go to the pleasure beach at Blackpool
81. Start flossing my teeth
82. Help Mum clean up my Nan’s gravestone
83. Attend the Notting Hill Carnival
84. Cook dinner for a family member or friend without any assistance
85. Update my twitter account at least once a week
86. Visit five stations on the London Underground that I have not yet visited and take photographs (if possible) (5/5).
87. Watch my local amateur league football team play
88. Watch a parade other than the Lord Mayor’s show
89. Get over my irrational phobia of people with prams and pushchairs
90. Keep my desk free of junk
91. Learn to dance properly
92. Recycle the old newspapers/bottles in my kitchen at least once every two weeks
93. Go a week without having a mid-morning snack at work
94. Get a new carpet to replace the one I made a large burn mark on
95. Iron my clothes at least once a week and stop procrastinating
96. Go to a stand-up comedy performance
97. Buy Christmas decorations for the office instead of waiting for someone else to buy them
98. Keep a list of books I read and movies I watch on Livejournal
99. Polish my work shoes at least once every two weeks
100. Attend a public lecture
101. Have a more optimistic outlook in life
I will bold the ones I have completed.
Progress: 81 out of 101
Pending: 1
Failed: 1