Jump Back Up July: Save the Battle for Later?

Jul 02, 2024 18:53

I have a whole bunch of challenges at work, which I'm not sure how to tackle; just remembering that it's not a case of "I can't do it", but "I can't do it yet". I've been trying to get the hang of Power BI, and it's quite tricky; no progress today because I didn't get around to it, after an unexpectedly hectic start to the day.

For the latest photo_scavenger prompt, "work", I took a shot of this table that has appeared near the office, complete with a man just sitting there doing his work (outstanding: Touch).

I managed to bring in my reusable coffee mug this morning when I got a flat white.

I spent lunchtime playing "Bag of Dungeon", which we managed to finish. I was constantly finding myself helping others with their "fights" against the game's monsters (resolved by throwing dice): A pleasure to help out!

On Strava, I have completed Bulldog Skincare's Get Active Challenge, and:
* Logged 2 hours and 45 minutes for the Nuun 300 Summer Hydration Challenge, and July 400-Minute Challenge;
* Walked 11km for the Sure Nonstop 72km Challenge and July Walk 30K Challenge;
* Logged 13,562 steps for the July Steps Challenge;
* Logged 2 of 10 days for the July Ten Days Active Challenge; and
* Climbed 88m for the July Running Elevation Challenge.

Tomorrow, I start Defy the Distance: Nike Running Challenge, completed by running/walking 5km.

plastic free july, 5 ways to wellbeing, morning, work, environment, board and card games, recycling, running challenge, pictures, 400 minute challenge, bulldog, summer outside, jump back up july, other people, ten days active, senses, walk, possessions, nike, mindfulness, lights, apps, seasons, summer, plastic, happiness, climbing challenge, sure, trees, outdoors, games, gadgets, star wars, shops, nature, small steps big difference, nuun, steps, purchases, scavenger hunt, films, george lucas, hot beverage, science fiction, success, water, run, routines, walking challenge, strava, cars, action for happiness, active tuesday, plant, photo scavenger

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