thefridayfive, where have you been?
1. Are you happy with your current line of work? What do you like/don't like about it?
I am quite happy; I like the fact that I had supportive work colleagues, and its a friendly environment. As for not like, probably often not enough decisions or clarity in what we're trying to do.
2. Do you see yourself doing the same type of work in 5 years? What about 10?
3. Did you see yourself doing this type of work 5 years ago? What about 10?
I'll be honest, for both of those - yes, I'm not big on ambition, I just keep going with work really.
4. Did you have a dream job as a child? What was it?
I wanted to become a town planner and follow my Dad's career, and that's more or less what I've done. I thought I'd be doing more designing buildings though.
5. If you had to pick a radically different job from what you have now, regardless of whether you'd realistically be able to do it given your skillset, what would you pick and why?
Not sure, really - sports journalist maybe, get to meet my sporting heroes - or video game designer, though I have no idea about programming.