The Friday Five: Choices

Mar 30, 2024 08:49

Foody thefridayfive post.

1. Rice or potatoes?

Depends on what I'm having with it - I like rice more, but if it's a roast, I'd go for potatoes.

2. Fish or red meat?

Nearly always red meat - I really enjoy a medium rare steak.

3. Salad or cooked vegetables?

Cooked vegetables for me, easily, though I am partial to a salad if it has decent ingredients.

4. Cake or ice cream?

That's too hard - I'll say ice cream; always a nice palate cleanser.

5. Water, soft drink, wine, beer, or hard alcohol?

Almost always beer for me; a nice cool refreshing one.

the friday five, water, questions, food, beer

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