Mindful March: Easter Simplicity

Mar 31, 2024 20:23

This Easter, I'm just trying to enjoy the simple things in life, like enjoying a visit to see family, and playing a few games.

We had an afternoon walk too, and saw this post box topper.

It's been a nice day; happy Easter everyone.

On Strava, I have:
* Only managed to climb 1,501m of 2,000m this month for the March Running Elevation Challenge;
* Logged 6 hours, 46 minutes for the 10/10 challenge by JOIN with Shimano;
* Logged 7 of 10 days for Find Further with lululemon; and
* Walked 19 miles for Voltarol 'More Than Running' Challenge.

spring strolls, house call, board and card games, joy, pictures, hometown, shimano, walk, mindfulness, craft, apps, seasons, spring, happiness, climbing challenge, family, trees, mindful march, outdoors, games, easter, spring time photos, voltarol, nature, lululemon, life, join, jesus, christian, fail, run, strava, action for happiness, plant

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