Happier January: Try Anything Once

Jan 21, 2024 16:58

I went into Black Sheep this morning; I almost got a "black hoof", but then spotted they had a pistachio latte, which I'm sure I'd never tried before, so I got one of those.

A man walked in while I was making my order and asked directions to Caffe Nero, which as the guy at the counter and I joked to each other after he left, was a bit rude - unless he was planning to meet his friend at Caffe Nero or something.

I liked the pistachio latte; it had a nice taste to it, not too strong.

Some of us went to Honest Burger after church; I tried a burger with kimchi in, which was nice - a hot taste, but not too hot so as to be overwhelming; you can probably see the Nigella seeds in this picture.

On Strava, I've completed the January Fresh Start Challenge, and climbed 1,045m for the January Running Elevation Challenge.

Edit: I bought a ladder down to the garden and got that shuttlecock back from the drain.

colours, pictures, winter, food, other people, possessions, euston church, apps, home, plastic, happiness, climbing challenge, badminton, restaurant, trees, garden, outdoors, shops, nature, lost property, animals, jobs, fresh start, hot beverage, success, glasses, weekends, run, strava, friends, action for happiness, plant, happier january

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