Joyful June: Smile in a Crowd

Jun 29, 2023 07:13

Yesterday, some of us had a good chat about environment-related stuff with colleagues in a planned meeting, while sampling their home-made cakes (both tasty).

I ran 7km after work; it was an easy, flat run, with the only issues being weaving in and out of pedestrians.

The young man next to me on the train last night was friendly; we were speculating as to where everyone was coming from on a late night service. We even smiled at each other a few times, and I'll try and share a smile with others again today, at least where it doesn't feel a bit too weird.

With any luck, that constantly-postponed site visit will go ahead this afternoon; I'm looking forward to it.

The latest photo_scavenger prompt is "crowd".

5 ways to wellbeing, fitness, work, environment, joy, joyful june, food, other people, scavenger hunt, cooking, good things, trains, mindfulness, after work, pet peeve, travel, summer, happiness, run, discover thursday, action for happiness, photo scavenger

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