White flowers for the latest
photo_scavenger prompt; seen on my morning commute.
It's a calming image from a day that seemed to be full of frustrations, mostly just from other people setting off my triggers in every way possible. I also had the disappointment of prayer group being cancelled last minute because of someone turning out to be miles away, and I was walking to the meeting point when he messaged.
I really come to breaking point with people at times, but today I'm going to try and speak warmly to others, even if they've set off my chimp and made me want to snap at them. It might not be easy at times, but I think I will get several chances tonight when leading a hike with the Stag Walkers.
I'll post one good thing from yesterday: Seeing development works coming on well in London; in this case, it was a building that's going up right next to where we go for the Moorgate Talks.
Plus one more bonus picture... the sunset looked gorgeous last night.
My progress on Strava challenges is:
*77 miles for refugees;
*1 hour 13 minutes of 10 hours for the Hydrow Summer Launch Challenge; and
* 3 hours and 23 minutes for the Make Your Comeback Challenge.
Late addendum: With my life feeling very busy right now, I'm embracing the idea of train strikes next week as an exuse to stay put for a few days and not have a hectic social schedule.