I managed to tick off the "history"
photo_scavenger prompt yesterday morning; I often walk past this spot on my way to work, but don't really pay much attention to the insriptions.
There was a good crowd in the pub last night; it was good to see several old colleagues.
The Daily Calm had a good inspirational quote this morning.
I've been making a point of getting up and stretching throughout the day while I work at home, so once again not sitting in the same place for too long. This included 15 minutes of yoga, which counted as activity 3 of 4 for week 3 of the Strava April Indoor Fitness Challenge.
I've logged 48km for the MAAP Transcend Limits Challenge, and I had a nice walk with Mum this afternoon.
I also received my tax rebate for working from home today, which is great news for me.