December Kindness: Christmas 2021

Dec 27, 2021 20:33

I'm just back from a - mostly - relaxing weekend with the family (yes, there are always a few tensions, but we get past them).

It was nice to spend time away from my flat, and getting to share some good time with people who I love, and who love me. I was taking care to be kind to my family, and to myself, during the weekend.

Christmas dinner was delicious - picture is to represent "Christmas" for the December Scavenger Hunt.

This was one of my favourite presents - beer, with a beer stein. This is another Scavenger Hunt prompt.

I got a couple of pictures of the tree.

During the day - there's unlikely to be real snow where I live this month for the December Scavenger Hunt, but there are some fake snowflakes in the window.

At night.

We had a relatively long Boxing Day walk, which helped me with Strava's dhb "12 Days of Christmas" challenge; I've logged 3 hours and 2 minutes out of a total of 3 hours 20 minutes.

I just remembered; I was going to send a thank you letter tonight to a family member who is too far away for me to see this Christmas. So much to do...

5 ways to wellbeing, favourites, house call, dhb, weekend away, pictures, winter, food, walk, litter, mindfulness, weather, giving and receiving, lights, apps, acts of kindness, happiness, december kindness, family, trees, outdoors, christmas, nature, christmas tradition, a letter, gifts, scavenger hunt, boxing day, christmas eve, connect monday, weekends, give thanks, strava, action for happiness, books, beer

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