Optimistic October: Crawling Horror (and Whether Anyone Really Bears Grudges)

Oct 28, 2021 20:59

I think at some times, I need to remember my favourite quote from The Termintor; near the start of the film, Sarah Connor is working in a diner, and following a slight mishap involving a child's clumsiness, one of Sarah's Connor asks her, "In a hundred years, who's gonna care?"

I need to remember this for all of life's little mishaps, times when I've had near misses with others because one or both of us wasn't looking where we were going; in my head I exaggerate how the other person will react, and usually predict some unprecedented pedestrian rage from them, which never surfaces. Over the last few days I'd developed a bad habit of seeing slow walkers in front of me, heading towards a spot where it's hard to pass, and I've broken into a run and dashed past them just to I don't get stuck traipsing behind them, probably looking very silly in the process, and then fretted about how I appeared to the other person. Getting stuck behind others is a pet peeve of mine in case you can't tell.

I should keep remembering that even if the other person over reacts, they're probably not going to think about the incident for long - probably not for a day, let alone will they a year later, be thinking, "Oh yes, and this time last year, some man got in my way; I was SO furious".

I do dwell on some things for too long - I must have spent maybe half an hour fretting about how a dream I was having ended - I was out with a group of people - our mission was a little unclear, except that the dream featured an apocalyptic sky, and us meeting some random people who could have been out of Lord of the Flies; some teacher-type person wearing a gown and mortar board was challenging them, but they seemed to be granting us safe passage through what appeared to be their territory. I was following the group, and it turned into one of my anxiety dreams about being left behind - I had my eyes on some people who I realised suddenly weren't part of my group - I couldn't see where everyone else had gone, so I tried to run and catch them up, but that made things worse because I found myself unable to run, at least not quickly, so I panicked even more, and then realised that despite my attempts to lucid dream and create a happy ending, I was just lying in bed technically awake but with my eyes shut, so I just opened them.

I've managed to complete all my current Strava challenges, including the Ten Thousand x Ryan Hall Challenge, due in part to doing site visits for work.

I worked from home today; I got a couple of nice pictures on my morning walk.

Tonight, Mum and I went to a talk about a new book, being held in the local bookshop - Crawling Horror; the authors talked about their research, and it sounded quite good - short stories by famous writers like Edgar Allen Poe, about insects (some sound like they are horror based) and I did buy a copy because I'd like to read it in full, after hearing a few extracts.

That's something else to put on my reading list anyway.

5 ways to wellbeing, favourites, morning, work, ten thousand, halloween, autumn, dont run, apocalypse, dreams, mothers, pictures, hometown, learning, other people, quotes, bad habit, horror, walk, mindfulness, after work, my bad, apps, seasons, discover thursday, restaurant, trees, autumn leaves, outdoors, ryan hall, authors, future, accident, edgar allen poe, shops, clothes, nature, animals, films, science fiction, fear, pet peeve, run, strava, plant, books

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