The meet up with friends did not go ahead last night; it was disappointing, especially after constantly checking my phone for messages yesterday.
I did go out for a walk with the family, and got some good shots of Autumn leaves.
I have a bunch of plans for this week - trying to keep my goals realistic:
* First session with my Release Your Potential mentor today; my only worry is that she will overlook the appointment or be too busy, as she is just back at work today - I'll aim to get the session done during this week, if not today;
* Start learning my new taekwon-do pattern, whether in the class or on my own in my flat;
* My job appraisal tomorrow, the first one without my old line manager; it should go okay - my aim is to get my draft appraisal submitted by Friday;
* I also must not forget to attend my hair appointment tomorrow;
* I'm meant to be helping at church on Wednesday night, with welcoming and serving pizza - hopefully I can attend, and make myself useful;
* Get part 3 of my Release Your Potential assignment written, and check the wording (I also need to read through part 2 again) and
* Lunch with another friend on Friday, which will make going into an almost empty office worthwhile.
I think I'll try not to push myself to do too many things after work this week.