Doodlewash sketches for today and tomorrow.
I was meant to have the plumber around today, fixing a new tap in my sink - he called at this morning, and basically said, no can do, and gave some explanation that involved how he would have to turn off the main stopcock for the entire building, and how he has no idea where this is. So, my only option might be to ask neighbours for advice as to whether they know of a plumber who has dealt with a job like this.
I've been listening to my emotions today, and I've mostly been thinking about the frustration at this new setback (although not being interrupted by a plumber has allowed me to get on with more work).
My main emotion today has been anxiety, all about my taekwon-do grading tomorrow; I'm mostly feeling okay about it, but there are moments that I'm dreading, just the waiting to get it over and done with, and then waiting while thirty names get called out at the end, with scores. My ideal would be if the first thing that got said as the grading drew to a close would be "everyone passed"; it would relieve me of all the tension of waiting to hear whether my name got called, knowing that if it didn't it meant I'd not made the cut.
I shouldn't be too anxious, but a little bit of me imagines myself making some sloppy mistake on the day. I think the best thing I can do is not think about possibly the worst piece of advice Homer Simpson ever gave:
I'm going to practice patterns again, and hopefully have a relaxed evening.