Sep 06, 2021 22:24
I'm getting Friday Five withdrawal symptoms again, no updates lately, so this one is from last year - it was in honour of the US green party, but feels topical with Extinction Rebellion's actions recently.
1. Where is the most beautiful nature in your area?
I don't need to go far, really - I can see the biggest green space in town (the common) from my flat. It's not always pleasant; it can become a hangout for some unsavoury types if you go there too late.
2. Does your household grow some of its own food?
At home, we used to grow tomatoes, but we got rid of our greenhouse. I think at one point there were chives growing in the shared garden where I live, but they've died. In short, no.
3. Do you recycle or repurpose a lot, a little, or somewhere in between?
I recycle a lot, and occasionally repurpose - I keep a lot of the plastic containers that I get takeaways in, often to put batch cooked meals in.
4. What do you think the most endangered part of the Earth is?
I'll go for the answer I've been hearing for many years - the ice caps, with the whole risk of them melting.
5. What is the single best way for an individual to help the environment?
I think recycling is a good way, but also cutting down on car travel is good - walking is a nice fun way to get around, after all. Let's go for net zero carbon!
the friday five,
extinction rebellion,
other people