Altruistic August: Cheer Up - It's Friday

Aug 27, 2021 17:11

I've been looking out for signs of people being unhappy, and thinking of ways to cheer them up - I've not really managed to do anything of the sort so far, but it might be because of not having spoken to that many others today.

So, I'll ask my LJ friends: Let me know if you need cheering up, and I'll try my best - might be just with a GIF or joke or video though.

I'm keeping up with the Altra10 Challenge, through daily walks - I recorded 10 minutes earlier when going to buy a newspaper first thing in the morning.

New neighbours were moving in, carrying big bags around; I offered to help, but they seemed okay. I'll be doing my online shopping after this, and have let Mum know I will get her more chocolate rolls. Maybe I should try again with the bourbon custard creams that were out of stock before.

5 ways to wellbeing, morning, altra10, shops, mothers, offer friday, food, other people, altruistic august, mindfulness, after work, apps, weekends, summer, acts of kindness, neighbours, happiness, altra, strava, action for happiness

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