Mar 01, 2009 07:36
Anna Sahlene and Maria Storeng Haukass was ripped off man!
You know, imho and that...
Yay to Sarah Dawn Finer though for Andre Chansen. imho these three woman had the best consistent live voices on the night.
Hmm, so who do I want to win Andre Chansen round... I do like BWO a lot but I'm not sure of the song, so I think I'm going to have to go with Sarah Dawn and Caroline af Ugglas. Sarah Dawn coz I love her voice and the way she can wrap a bit of fabric around her and make her breasts stand out even more, and Caroline because she looks like she's constipated when she's singing her song - which wasn't bad.
Only two more Sundays to get up at 6am to watch this.. yay to sleep in, but sad the excitement is over for another year. I guess I'll have to put up with the cd and dvd to keep me company throughout the rest of the year.
melodifestivalen eurovision