[something soon distracts Xacarb from its conversations with the otherworlders and it immediately moves away from them to examine the terminals with a fervor it hasn't displayed. a relieved smile spreads across its face as it looks back towards the otherworlders.]
It...it is finally done charging! My work is nearly complete! I can finally save this universe and the others... They will be pleased. [Xacarb's smile grows wider] Yes, yes they will.
And it is all thanks to you! Your sacrifices will not be remembered or known in this universe or your native ones, however I...I will always remember what you have done. Without you, none of this could be possible. I have enjoyed the company you have given me for this very short while, but now I must say farewell.
[Xacarb moves deliberately and with confidence towards one terminal in particular that simply reads: "Execute? Yes/No", and before Xacarb can enter the command, an identical figure materializes in front of it, this time belonging to the real DIVA. she only manages to partially manifest in a manner similar to the otherworlders, but from the strain on her face, it's obviously causing her a lot of pain to do so. yet...it is the sight of her that causes a sudden angry expression to twist Xacarb's features] I have wasted enough time debating with you and that other nuisance masquerading as a centuries-dead human! I thought the barrier I built was strong enough to keep you contained.
Do you have any idea what it is you are about to destroy?
I only care for the survival of my species and this universe. I will keep it at bay for as long as I can, for as long as I live! You cannot stop me now!
[Xacarb walks straight through DIVA, her image vanishing, and keys in the final sequence. as soon as it finishes this, the Hyperstring Gate's hum grows in pitch, and a light from the center of the Gate steadily grows brighter and brighter. a moment later, a curious sensation will overcome not only the otherworlders, but every single living being on the ships, one akin to how a scarf might feel if it was slowly being unraveled. it isn't painful, but Xacarb had been lying about one thing: it isn't quick. the same is starting to happen to the ships as well.]
No... No, I won't let you do this! [DIVA's image briefly shimmers into view again in front of the otherworlders] You can stop this. You're all connected with the Gate and so long as you remain whole, he cannot use you! Remember who you are! Let Xacarb know exactly what it will destroy! Please! I will... [DIVA's image and voice fades]
It looks like Xacarb is close to succeeding, but there is one way to stop it all! Think: What makes a person who they are? Is it merely what one looks like; the composition of one's body? Is it one's memories of times past? Is it the places they've been to and live in? Or is it all of these things combined? DIVA wants you to tell Xacarb this, to fight for the survival of your own universes and the lives of everyone on the Uesugi, Hawking, and Gauntlet.
Do whatever it takes to express this. They can talk about themselves, their homes, their friends--everything and anything waiting for them back in their own universes.
And how can this be done? Comment here with your words for Xacarb. Comment as many times as you like! It can even be one single sentence about themselves repeated over and over and over. The point is to keep yourself whole and the more times you assert yourself, the stronger that bond between the physical body and one's sense of self.
But what will happen after this is done? The siphoning operation is still underway, but DIVA said she will do something. Considering her own energy is being slowly taken away thanks to what's being done to the ships, she hasn't got much time left.
You'll have from now until Saturday in the late evening (EST) to spam Xacarb with everything that makes your character who they are. Neither Xacarb or DIVA will be responding to anything that is said here.
Good luck, everyone! We're almost there! Only two more mod posts left...
EDIT: OH yes, forgot to add, if you have any OOC questions, just label them as OOC here or contact us through the normal channels~