∝Transmission 034: Endgame--Confrontation

Mar 05, 2011 21:50

[after a number of attempts to board the Gauntlet have failed, an angry rumbling can be felt in the minds of everyone on both ships. A familiar-sounding woman screams for it stop, and soon it does.

In fact, everything slows to a complete and utter stop, and just before time freezes, a peculiar, but warm sensation will come over every otherworlder, like something is wrapping itself around their minds, enveloping them-and then pulls.

All of the otherworlders and their Spheres will find themselves in a semi-corporeal state at one end of a sophisticated laboratory of sorts, but some of them may recognize the tall, silver structure at the opposite end of the chamber. It is similar to the one found on the Crucible, but there is something different about it. The thousands upon thousands of microscopic strands running up and down and connecting both pillars lead off to several terminals with numbers and other readouts flashing on the screens. There is a mechanical humming in the air thanks to all the power thrumming through the structure that is known as the Hyperstring Gate.]

Hmmm, I had hoped it would never come to this, but one must always be prepared for the inevitable.

[Before the eyes of the otherworlders shimmers a being who neither looks male or female, human or otherwise, but that form soon changes to one similar to DIVA’s-well, if DIVA wore a white suit similar to the Alliance scientists, that is. This creature looks as though it could be related to DIVA in some way, but when it speaks again, it keeps the same nondescript voice as before; one that the others should recognize as the one complaining about the levels being too low. Only this time, its tone is one of a weary parent finally giving in to a child’s demands.]

You have all made it terribly difficult to ignore you, so here you are. I do hope this familiar shape will help make things easier for you to comprehend. Wouldn’t want my real form to confuse anyone, would I? No, that would not do at all.

[put while it speaks, a strained and soft voice belonging to the real DIVA can be heard whispering in the minds of all the otherworlders, but the creature doesn’t seem to notice.]

Distract…Xacarb. Time is…time is run… I need time. It will all end…

    Short explanation this time, guys! (We know, "Finally!" right?)

    The quick-time did succeed! What really needed to happen was for the attempts to be made. The more there was, the more it got the attention of the mysterious voice. That was the most important part of the quick-time. The best way to achieve that was through the use of the one-time use ship-to-ship teleporters found on the outpost (or those exactly like the ones some might have received on the Tilriz way back in the beginning of the game), but every attempt to break into the Gauntlet mattered so very much.

    As of right now, the psychic effects from the last plot are no longer in effect, so no more hearing thoughts or anything.

    But now, meet Xacarb! Who/what it is...well, you'll see as you talk to it. This is your chance to find out what the hell has been going on this entire time--and again, there is a time limit. You will have from now until the evening of the 9th to distract Xacarb from its work.

    And what is that work? Well, it has something to do with the Gate, but that message of Ganymede's from before had tried to warn them of something, something it was going to do. There is also a slight clue in the game's Crew Manual (which can still be accessed on the Spheres somehow).

    Everything that happens from here on out will effect the very outcome of this game. Whether the game gets the best ending, the good one, or even the worst one all depends on you.

    All IC comments to Xacarb can be made here in this entry! If you have any questions at all, please mark them as OOC in the subject line or at the start of the comment.

    Good luck, everyone!

!mod post, !plot: endgame--confrontation

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