∝Transmission 026: Insurrection

Nov 16, 2010 00:43

[a message suddenly appears on the Spheres belonging to all otherworlders aboard the two ships. if they notice, no one in the crew has received anything, but then again... some of the crew members seem sparse lately.]

The following is a special broadcast. Please attend carefully.

[the text fades, the image of a familiar ship fading in. a voice begins to speak, one that is recognizable as belonging to DIVA. while she speaks, accompanying newsclips and newspaper headlines flash on the screen.]

The IASC-Crucible. The history of this ship has been one filled with controversy and intrigue ever since its inception. The one-of-a-kind space cruiser made its maiden voyage in 121 N.E. with thousands of passengers and crew on-board. The voyage was to be the last for the illustrious Captain Eridanus Ganymede. Not too long after, however, it disappeared without a trace. The ship was declared lost, the people on-board thought to be dead.

Twelve and a half years later in the year 133 N.E., a signal reached an Alliance outpost that proved otherwise, but the original occupants of the ship had been joined by people known now as "otherworlders": those whose homes hail from a universe different than this one. It was they who helped recover the IASC-Crucible, and soon they were sent home.

But for those left on the IASC-Crucible, their lives had forever been changed. Those people had lost twelve years of their life with their loved ones, and many found it hard to adjust. The Intergalactic Alliance paid for any and all therapy sessions needed to reintegrate troubled individuals back into the changed society, but even with such aid, some eventually took their own lives.

The cause of the IASC-Crucible's disappearance, the Hyperstring Gate, was kept out of public knowledge. All involved in the incident were made to sign the Intergalactic Alliance Security Agreement #92509, a document that bound the signer from speaking about the incident under penalty of a long term internment in the IA's maximum security facility. Only in IA courts and proceedings authorized to discuss such matters would they be allowed to speak freely about their time on the IASC-Crucible

[soon, pictures of three people in IA uniforms appear belonging to Axel, Roxas, and Motoko.]

Matters were made slightly more complicated by those otherworlders who chose to remain in this universe. These three notable figures were treated as heroes for a time, with one enlisting straight away into the Alliance. Their movements were closely followed at all times and they were called upon to testify in hundreds of court proceedings that took place within days of the IASC-Crucible returning to Terran space.

The main issue? The continued existence of the Hyperstring Gate housed in the heart of the IASC-Crucible. For years, it was a source of contention between those who wished for its outright destruction and those who wished to keep it intact and study it further. [court sketches and clips show the following people, but it must be noted that only the first three appear to age during any of the clips, clips that span a handful of decades according to the archival footage date in the lower left corner.] Head scientists Chandra and Anand Pillai, a brother and sister team aboard the IASC-Crucible when the ship disappeared, along with Admiral Orion Ganymede and the three otherworlders were proponents for the deconstruction of the Hyperstring Gate and fought against several sources in the IA and opposing scientists. Many top-secret documents, including a first-person account of what occurred during the IASC-Crucible's last tumultuous year in its maiden voyage, were kept underwraps, some never seeing the light of day during the most feverish of court battles. Only now have they been made available to IA personnel.

However, the controversy surrounding the Hyperstring Gate and the IASC-Crucible faded as the years went on. [here, a news broadcast plays that shows the memorial service for the following two people, and includes their photograph that some may have seen before.] After the sudden deaths of Chandra and Anand Pillai in 170 N.E., mere days before they were due to be called in as witnesses in yet another court battle, the wind went out of the sails of the anti-Gate movement. There were those who continued to protest its continued existence, but their voices lacked the manpower and scientific backing needed to convince the higher courts of its true dangers. Admiral Ganymede, retired, was one such person and he made it his family's mission to make sure it was eventually destroyed no matter how long it took for it to do so.

[then, the mausoleum plaque that some have seen before appears--only this time, the name and date clearly read "Admiral Ganymede, Orion Alexander", and in the line below, it reads "08/29/89 N.E. - 12/26/193 N.E."] Sadly, he too died in 193 N.E. and the infamous IASC-Crucible, kept so long in IA storage, was finally decommissioned and the Hyperstring Gate was heavily guarded against extremist groups from both sides of the spectrum.

[the image of the plaque fades, the images running through different reports involving fights breaking out all over Terra, in spaceports, and other IA outposts around the universe.] The presence of the otherworlders in this universe provided another source of conflict, one that many would compare to the close-minded ideals of those, according to the old Terran calendar, in the 18th through 21st centuries. They were seen as different and intriguing by some, but others saw them as nothing but inferior. Unnatural. But the three disappeared from public eye and only the extremist groups chose to remember them.

Now, even after two hundred years since the IASC-Crucible was recovered, those same extremist ideals persist.

[DIVA pauses in her narrative, the broadcast now showing her and her alone, but for the first time, her expression is nothing close to the neutral visage she has kept for so long. instead, she looks melancholic.]

Otherworlders, what you have seen just now is only a fraction of the material kept from you since your arrival in this universe. Two hundred years truly have passed since many of you first passed through the Hyperstring Gate and found yourselves aboard the Crucible. All of you have been brought here for reasons vastly different than what you've been told, and the same can be said for Commanders Menaeus and Farix, too.

And I...am sorry. I fear I waited too long to--[DIVA's transmission cuts off, and the first explosions rock both the Uesugi and Hawking--only there are no enemy ships in sight.]

    At last! Some truth has finally broken through which explains... quite a bit actually. It's been a long time in coming, but after events involving the Cedirra, the planet Pallas, and the various images shown to people, things have come to a head. As for DIVA...well, only she could tamper with the records in the databanks. Commander Menaeus has said as much. But how she is able to communicate freely like she has, well...

    The otherworlders and everyone aboard the two crew ships aren't the only ones affected by the Gate.

    As the original Captain Ganymede had been slowly affected by exposure to the Gate, the same has happened to DIVA. Throughout the game, she has gradually gained a higher level of sentience, but she has tried to maintain the status quo, pretending nothing has been going wrong. If it weren't for certain circumstances, she might not have exposed herself. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a choice. But as for the Admiral? Sure, he made a couple announcements, but he's been shown to have been dead for more than a century! The simple explanation is this: he's a program as well.

    Naturally, there will be quite a few characters who will not appreciate finding out they've been lied to since day one of their arrival. Some more than others. On the other side of things, divisions among the NPC Alliance crew, alluded to in certain visions, have become more visible than ever. About a quarter have disappeared and are nowhere to be found, choosing to stay out of things since they weren't in this operation wholeheartedly in the first place. What operation, you might ask? Well, that will be revealed in the immediate future. The rest of the crew who spent time plotting in closed quarters, however, are gearing up for a fight.

    It's unfortunate for everyone aboard that the Gate struck with one doozy of an anomaly just as the explosions scorched the corridors outside the mess halls. And that anomaly? If the musical cue is any clue, the ships and everyone on-board have become victims of turn-based RPG mechanics. Yes, that's right. The otherworlders will encounter random battles with some of the Alliance crew members while random music plays.

    In addition, everyone will find themselves fitted into a job class, regardless of any fighting experience they may have had originally. Any prior skills they may have had, whether physical, magical, etc., are gone. If they didn't have any fighting skills at all, no problem! They just got all the job class information instantly appearing in their heads, as well as a pouch with items that we'll talk about below. Which class you wish your character to have fallen into is completely up to you. There are plenty of different ones to pick from:

    • Warrior: A wielder of swords and lances of all shapes and sizes. Larger weapons will impede movement, but deal heavier damage. While their attack power is the highest of all the classes, their magical defense is pretty low.

    • Black Mage: Drawing on their magical prowess, the black mage can rain down elemental and non-elemental spells to cause damage to their foe. While they'll carry a staff or rod, their physical attacks do very little.

    • White Mage: White mages may not find their strength in attacking with their staff or rod, but healing and defensive spells are their forte, making them a great asset for any party.

    • Red Mage: These mages deal in both black and white magic. However, their magical strength behind the spells won't be as strong as those cast by someone who specializes in only one type of magic. Compared to the other mages, their physical strength when whacking at things with their staff, rod or light sword is marginally higher, but they're still not as strong as the other classes.

    • Thief: The thief may not be physically powerful when attacking with arm-claws or duel-wielded blades, but they are very agile and able to swipe items off the enemy such as potions, powders, or other random objects. Some of these objects can be tossed back at the enemy for a surprise attack, whether they explode, summon a whirlwind or even bring down a torrent of water from nowhere.

    • Ninja: Another swift class, the ninja is able to attack with a bit more physical strength and possesses great stealth, often allowing them to sneak up on their unsuspecting victim with giant shuriken or connected tridents. They're able to learn certain black magic spells, such as those that inflict status ailments or slowly sap the enemy of their health or magic.

    • Gunner: The gunner has, as the job title suggests, several guns at their disposal. Two sidearms and one bigger gun, whether a rifle or a laser blaster, will be ready for use. Those in this class will find they rarely miss, but their magical and physical defense needs some support.

    Now that you have the job descriptions, here's how the battles and such work. You can either fight alone or in groups, but no matter the case, everyone will have a health and magic bar. Warriors, gunners, thieves and ninjas will find they have a higher health supply, but lower for magic. The black, white and red mages will find the opposite true.

    The fights themselves seem to be turn-based for the most part, but can function as a free-for-all battle or melee if you so choose. And none end until all the opponents have been depleted of their health (or if they've run away). And then... you win! Collect your winnings and see if they leave you an item before running off. However, you don't have to let them run off. You can choose to simply kill them. Permanently. By killing them, you ensure there's one less scumbag out to get you, your friends and the rest of the otherworlders on both ships. Be aware that doing so will have consequences in the future. As in ones that will effect the overall outcome of the game. But if your character would ICly go on a mass killing spree of the enemies from the Alliance, by all means, have fun with that, but be aware of the consequences. Just make sure to keep yourself healthy, because once you run out of health, you're in trouble. Of course, if you don't wish to fight your opponents, you have the option of fleeing the battle. You do run the risk of sustaining some damage, but once you're a certain distance away from the enemies, you'll be free to continue on your merry way.

    No white mage present? Everyone will start off with two potions on hand with the opportunity to pick up more at two of the healing points. The healing points (represented as white tents) can be found in the data archives and the entirety of the civilian areas on the Hawking, and another in the medical bay on the Uesugi. Entering these healing points acts as a safe zone, free from the random battles. Also located in the data archives is a funny-looking man with a giant backpack selling armor and items to the otherworlders at a good bargain. On the Uesugi in the medical bay, the item salesman seems to have a twin or someone who looks strangely identical to them, selling weapons and items to the otherworlders at a decent price. This is what your winnings are for. Items will include food stuffs so characters won't starve.


    On more official business, it's that time again! ...No, not Peanut Butter Jelly Time. It's time for Activity Check, this time with the new rules we told you all about during last check.

    All we ask is you reply back with who you play, their journal name(s), and links to one post or three threads. If you want, you can use the format in the textbox below. You don't have to though. All posts/threads made since the last check up until this plot will qualify for the check.

    Post/Thread(s): Post
    First thread
    Second thread
    Third thread

    As always, you have one week to reply back. (If you have a problem qualifying for the activity check, don't be afraid to talk to us!) At that point, we will compile a list of those who didn't respond and post it to the OOC comm. After the post has been up for a week, those who haven't come forward to discuss things with the mods will, most unfortunately, be removed from the game. Any who missed both activity check and the final deadline but wish to rejoin the game must resubmit their applications. Those listed on the hiatus page or have applied and been accepted in the last two weeks are exempt from this activity check.

    Should you have any questions whatsoever, may it be about this plot, activity check, or anything at all, feel free to leave them here in this post or email us!

    And one last reminder! If you ever feel nostalgic for AIM chat rooms, we have one at gauntletlounge. :>


!mod post, *activity check, !plot: insurrection

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