Aug 19, 2010 15:17
[Oliver is grinning widely at the sphere when he activates it] Hey, everybody! [waves cheerfully, leaning back now that the sphere is on. instead of his face taking up the view, anyone watching can now see that Oliver is sitting on the beach outside the Gerostana. not only that, but he has clearly just enjoyed a swim, judging by the fact that he's dripping wet--and stripped down to nothing but his boxer shorts. incidentally, this means that the scars on his chest and back, as well as one on his leg, are currently visible. but Oliver doesn't look the least bit concerned about that. in fact, he doesn't look very concerned about anything]
So, I told Ammy that we've been on the ship for so long it's about time for a party. And look at this place! [waves a hand to encompass the beach around him] It's perfect for it. We've got a beach, water perfect for a swim... We've even got food! The fruit out here is fantastic. If you haven't tried it, you should! So... [pauses, briefly thoughtful] I guess all we really need is to find some drinks on the Gerostana and get them out here, and it'll be absolutely perfect! [smiles brightly]
Basically, what I'm saying is everybody should come out here and we should have some fun. So come join me! It'll be a blast. I promise!
oliver day [ru],
!plot: planetary 1: hakuna matata