Dec 12, 2005 05:20
Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2005. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review".
My life, as it stands, is going in one direction- The Emerald City Comic Con.
I needs me some motivation to draw.
Holy cow, I've let myself go.
Hey folks, this is how to get to the pool from 520.
Bellingham folks. I am inside it.
Thor brought his mighty hammer down upon this misfit band of AD&D'ers and bestowed them the power to play tasty rifts, execute insane drum solos, and in short Rock the very tree of Yggdrasil, from it's highest branches to it's deepest roots.
I am in need of some syrup.
or not.
Hm. looking back on my year I realize that I posted very little. I'm glad I'm getting better and beginning to post more regularly. I suppose that'll be an resolution for the new year. Have some happy holiday's everyone, love to you all!