Nov 02, 2010 22:25
What the hell, dood! That wasn't a finale at all! *Hero throws a book against the wall of his room, then sticks it there with a knife. *
First it turns out that we're sharing a finale with Chanda, then it turns out it's not a finale for either of us...I'm mad too, dood. But why are you stabbing that book? *Fake sighs, looking up at the ceiling from the single bed in their room.*
This strategy guide is a piece of crap! Spoiler free, I can understand, but they didn't mention anything about more missions for our canon after this, dood! We can't use those rare items that let us use those badass ultimate attacks again!
*The pink one sits at the computer, leading some poor sap on about being interested in a date.* That's what you get for buying that cheap BradyGames guide to SRW: Unlimited Generations, instead of the RosenQueen brand, dood. Though why even bother, when you can find all the info online nowadays, dood? <3
On the bright side, we got a mid-season upgrade by having Pringer Z's level raised to 99, so that's not too bad, dood...
Not so bad, dood? Did you even look at it's stats? For a level 99 super robot suit, it's stats are garbage, dood! Etna skipped all the item generals and took all the innocents out, and it's totally ruined now, dood! We'll have to wait for the next playthrough if we really want to bring out Pringer Z's true potential now, dood!
So in other words, whoever's playing this screwed up and didn't get enough player points to get us properly powered up, dood? Good job, kid! You officially suck at this game. <3