(no subject)

Sep 23, 2010 18:56

All right, GDF! We've done pretty awesomely lately, mental train wrecks aside.  Lots of high powered baddies taken down, majority of threats to the earth are dealt with.  I can't help but feel that we're moving towards an endgame of sorts, dood.

I know no one else is going to ask it, so I'll just say it. The GDF is clearly the most dominant force in the Earth Sphere right now, dood.  We're at the point in the game where the last few levels should be a cakewalk, and the only things to really worry about are the postgame optional factions.

Remember how the DC wanted to unite the forces of Earth through military force, but ultimately failed, dood?  Ultimately failed because of the superior machines and pilots of the GDF, I might add?

I say we do it, dood.  Hunt down the remaining opposition, and unite this planet's forces to deal with what's left of humanity's enemies.   The world could be ours, GDF!

So the biggest question is, what's stopping us from taking it, dood?
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