The View From Out Here

May 16, 2010 04:45

Meh, I lied, I'm not going to write about the preview fotoe. I'm not ready to talk about it.

Did I blog about breaking up with Zack? Actually, I didn't break up with him, I just told him I was done having sex with him, and he lost interest in hanging out with me a couple weeks later, and went back to searching for Ms. Right on teh intranet. Which strikes me funny, because obviously in Zack's mind, since we were having sex, he wasn't talking to anyone else. Yet the whole year we dated, Zack couldn't figure out how seriously to take the relationship, which I found irritating on a pretty regular basis. A short time later he met someone who sounded really promising, but then broke up with her because she wanted to have sex all the time. Just talking to Zack on the phone drives me slightly mad. It was Zack's birthday this week, and what I am saying here is, I'm observing for the bazillionth time in my life, how the past always looks rosier than it was, or maybe just that I have a tendency to remember the good times.

There was a surprise birthday party for Justine at her apartment in Chicago, which I was very happy to attend =0) I forget how we got on the subject of Livejournal, but Danny and Marcus were very amused to hear there are still some UU holdouts on LJ. Dear Twitter, I hate you, you lack intimacy even as you suck balls.

In Family Land, some relative of Joe's dad died on Wednesday, and suddenly Frank and his hillbilly common-law wife want to stop (one sided-ly) feuding with us and invited us over tomorrow after church. I know it's better late than never, but I really despise older adults who are selfish and involve themselves in drama. I'm afraid to be like that. I'm afraid that everyone gets bitter when they're old.

Really this whole entry should be about my bestie, Megan, and how much I love her =) She brings over amazing blanks and takes away tie dye and now my work is in four different boutiques in Akron. I am art and not business; without her I would just be giving stuff away to my friends. Stuff like this...

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