Ha ha ha, this has to be the reason. Where Zack is holding our clothes spoils the fotoe a little, but I'm amazed I talked him into it at all. Let's see how long Photobucket lets it stay up.
Wishing for a disco ball, so bad ;)
I didn't fotograph the Zmas gift Zack gave me, but it was a jade and gold cross necklace. I asked why (I didn't say ON EARTH) he chose it, and he said it's because I go to church a lot. I actually did put it on, but took it off not much later because it didn't seem right. It was definitely a millionth reminder of how Zack just cannot retain anything.
Here's a Zmas fotoe of Jake:
And a fotoe of the morning Tommy came over for breakfast and brought me a dozen 100% cotton blankets to tie dye. They are getting Jake's light saber that he threw on top of the cabinets. Or maybe *I* did.
Now on to the next update entry. Preview: