At the Stupid Mercy of Government Bureaus

Dec 08, 2009 14:36


Lately both Joe's unemployment and his supplemental "Sub Pay" have been dicking us over. It started in July when Workers' Comp randomly denied the last 2 weeks of Joe's claim, which cost us $1500. His Unemployment pays HALF what he got from Workers' Comp, and this is the third time since July that their fuckuppage has caused us to be without money. I'm going to rant now, or go crazy.

-We are out of toilet paper. I have overactive bladder, and visit the bathroom 12-18 times a day. Would like to see the doctor about it, with what copay.
-The computer mouse is broken, and you have to click 5-6 times to click on something. Or I would have written this days ago.
-We're out of kitty litter. Cats probably already wrecking basement.
-We're out of bunny litter. Yesterday I put stale cereal in her litter box. Today I put cornmeal. She eats these things, which is gross. It's also food, but I have no choice, because her litter box is standing piss and without something absorbent her crate will be too. Luckily we're not out of paper towels yet.
-You better believe we're out of salad and vegetables. We have a few days of canned peas and carrots left.
-I've developed seborrhea, but can't buy some dandruff shampoo. It is now all the way down my forehead, in my eyebrows, and halfway down my nose. It is disgusting. Feeling sorry for myself is a clear path back to depression, where I do not want to go.
-TV remote batteries are dead.
- Van is of course empty of gas.
- Electric disconnection notice came last Friday. Monday was the due date, Joe got Veterans' Svcs to negotiate, now we have till Friday, deposit was supposed to arrive today, did not come.
- Since we anticipated a deposit today, we ordered pizza last night and wrote a check. Will cost us $39 if it causes overdraft.
- We've been out of printer ink since October.
- The hot water tap in upstairs bathroom has broken, had to be turned off, no hot water for washing upstairs.
- I'm afraid to look at the car insurance bill, afraid it will cancel, no money to pay it.

Joe's sub pay was due to us LAST FRIDAY. Joe's unemployment was due to us TODAY. I know we are very blessed. But right now I am really pissed and the bullshit we're being put through because money that we are OWED does not arrive. ::hair yank::
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