A quick bout of philisophical rambling...

Sep 08, 2006 10:18

Have you ever noticed that people often think that just because we are still young, that we know nothing about the world? I find it funny because (maybe this is not the case with everyone) I feel like even though I've only been around 22 years, I have learned so much about people, the world and myself. A sampling:

- You learn more from people that are mean, from friendships gone awry and from situations beyond your control than you do from all the good memories. It's unfortunate, but so true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Sure the bad times hurt, but they force you to examine the root of the problem, determine how to avoid the problem in the future and build an extra layer of skin.
- It's important to have friends, but it's not important to change who you are to make those friends. Nor is it necessary to please everyone. This is one of the biggest lessons I've learned. There is no reason to beg for someone's friendship. If, for whatever reason, someone doesn't want you in their life, it is not only silly, but self-deprecating to force yourself through the barrier. When you make a friend and give of yourself, letting them inside to see who you truly are, you put things in their hands and allow them to pass a sort of judgment on you. Some of these people will decide that they want to get to know you further, while others will not. It is important to realize which friends fall into which category, and learn to let those that dislike you go. Too many times I have sought acceptance from people whose approval in reality should have no bearing on my self-worth. As I continue to have life experiences, I am learning to love myself for who I am. I don't need approval from anyone anymore.
- Your life will go through stages and phases, some good and some bad. You may not understand it at the time, but at some point in your future, an event will trigger a memory of a moment in your past. It is then that you will realize why you were put through certain trials, tribulations or even joyous times. For this reason, I whole-heartedly believe in destiny, that from the moment you are born, there is a master plan. In order to make you the best person you can be, you must encounter certain people and obstacles along the way that shape you. Like Christina Aguilera says, thanks for making me a fighter.
- When you get down, you really do need to be thankful for the little joys in life. It is so easy to become all consumed by events that in the scale of your life are unimportant. Instead you should focus on thanking G-d for allowing you a new day to start fresh. Enjoy seeing the faces of those you love. Be thankful that aside from minor ailments you are healthy. Be thankful that you are not hungry, homeless, or alone.

Every day I am learning new lessons and every day I feel stronger about my path in life. Nothing will ever be perfect, but I think when you can finally accept that fact, and learn to take every experience as a moment to grow, you can truly be happy with what you have and excited for what the future will bring.
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