Tomorrow's going to be a busy day...

Apr 08, 2005 01:02

For now, I've decided to stay on the "dentistry" track. It is what I want. It's what I've always wanted. And just cuz it isn't easy and I hate science more than dying doesn't mean I can't do it.

Anyway, tomorrow I have to get the hold lifted so I can register for fall classes next week. Apparently my GPA is too low... YET I have a 3.02 and I only need a 2.50. SO I think it has something to do with dropping a "critical-tracking course." But I'll be fine cuz they say you can get one semester behind on a CT course and be okay. But that still means trekking it to the other side of campus for something stupid. I have to talk to my advisor person about taking Bio I and Organic Chem I at the same time. Sounds like hell. But I think I may have to do it anyway. My proposed schedule:

BSC2010 Principles of Biology 1
BSC2010L Principles of Biology 1 Lab
CHM2210 Organic Chemistry
MAC2311 Geometry and Calculus 1
ECO2023 Principles of Microeconomics (something for my major AND minor)
MUN1110 Marching Band - Gatorettes
That is 15 credits right there... something is telling me that would be a STUPID STUPID DUMB idea... more stuff to talk to my lovely advisor about... gggrreeeaattt!!!


I have to find out how to change my major to Food Science and Human Nutrition: Nutrition. That looks funny... that's because it is.

At least tomorrow is Friday.


I have a Gatorette competition in Winter Haven on Saturday. That's the ONLY thing I have this weekend. Meaning... relaxation. haha! Well I'm gonna go and try to sleep... lalala.
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