Night Crossings on Archive, other stuff

Aug 15, 2007 19:38

In answer to an earlier question, I expect I'll cross-post to LJ, JF, and IJ for a while -- when it makes sense. This post, for example, will go in all three places.

I just (belatedly!) posted Night Crossings to The Archive at the End of the Universe. Since it was PG-13 and I put it up unlocked, there was no sense of urgency, and then I just, um, forgot.

Blood Magic has been intermittently inaccessible for a while, because of problems on Schnoogle, so I'm just starting the tedious work of reformatting that for the Archive as well. I wish that the Archive had an option to take straight HTML. It only takes about a minute per file, with emacs macros, to strip out the paragraph tags and carriage returns, but there are a lot of files, and there are always errors that need to be fixed by hand.
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