
Aug 13, 2007 21:21

Now that I have this journal backed up, and all posts (sadly, sans comments) on my JournalFen journal, I'm ready to post my plan in the latest fandom row.

I currently have four paid accounts and one free account on LJ. I do not plan to renew any of those paid accounts. If the RPGs don't move, my characters will have fewer icons.

The question, of course, is where. I claimed GatewayGirl on GJ initially, but that's now looking like a poor choice. I've also claimed it on IJ, because a lot of people seem to be going there, and it may matter. JF has problems, but they appear to be trying to fix them, and that's currently my favorite. Promised changes are a gamble, but I'm willing to give them the chance. While I'm trying them out, I still have my eye on Scribblit and the other project at fandom_flies.

[ETA: IJ is winning, in practice.]

I do not plan to delete this journal, just to let it revert to free status. I will keep wereterrier here as an RL journal.

Oddly, the only story that I temporarily locked while working on my backup was Worlds Together, which does not have any under-18 sex. I believe most things I write are too socially/psychologically complex to get me banned at this time. Later? Well, maybe. Who can tell?

So ... Drop in!

-- Gg

meta, slashthrough ii

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