
Sep 09, 2015 23:07

Seems like all I do is bitch about school anymore. Guess that's what my life has become. Feel free to sail on by if it's not your cup of tea ( Read more... )


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huntersglenn September 11 2015, 03:08:26 UTC
I'm sorry that the stress is eating at you this badly.

I don't know of any sure-fire thing that would help you lose the stress, either. I have an aunt who was a teacher's aide with pre-K special needs kids. Every work day, when she came home, she took 30 minutes alone in her room where she kept some of her clothes and had her computer (kind of a computer room/guest room, but it also had her TV in it). We don't know what she did in there, but she'd spend 30 minutes in there, alone, door closed. She'd change and then come out and be ready to tackle supper or whatever. She used that 30 minutes to de-stress from the day. I don't know if something like that would help you - take that time and think about everything and anything EXCEPT school. It might help you de-stress, and possibly let you get some decent sleep - and of course, having Craig back will help with that, too.

I'm sure that the fact that there are several aspects of this year that are make it or break it for you, especially the one thing that if you don't pass that, you don't pass the class, period. The fear is there that you won't pass and all this school will be for nothing and a waste of time and money. You're not yet to the point of believing that you're good enough to pass that class, even though your test scores so far are proving that you can do the work. Yes, there are some tests you have to study extra hard for, but by doing so, you're getting great grades.

You might want to consider doing things that you don't normally do. Like not changing into your jammies once you're home, and instead grabbing Carter or Craig and going out to do something silly - putt-putt or even simply walking around a mall and window shopping, or walking around a park if there's one anywhere near you. Taking a weekend with Craig and going down to the Gulf, or making a day trip of it just to dip your toes in the water and NOT think about school for a few hours. Play one of the Steam games with Carter or on your own, just to get your mind on something else. I've found some of the violent games to be cathargic for me as it lets me get my agression and frustrations out. Just pick games where you won't easily lose, as I find that frustrating (grin).

The important thing is that whatever you do to de-stress, that you do NOT think about school at all during that time.

You're taking on the worst that that one teacher can throw at you, and you're winning. That's something worth celebrating without worrying about what else is coming up. Take pride in what you've accomplished so far, but also allow yourself to believe that should the worst happen on a test, even the dreaded make-it-or-break-it test, that it won't be the end of the world because you can take this year over again and pass that particular test. Yes, it'll be another year, but repeating a year isn't necessarily a bad thing if that's what ends up happening. Which I don't think it will, unless you get so wound up with the stress that you make yourself sick and miss class(es). It's okay to fail - as long as the failing doesn't make you give up.

But, I know that if you find your way to cope with the stress, then you aren't going to fail!


gateruner September 13 2015, 15:04:49 UTC
I've been trying this weekend to unwind. I did pretty good I think. I've been trying to spend time roleplaying on tumblr and writing some. That's helped a good bit.

I know this sounds silly but once my tv shows start up maybe it won't be so hard to distract myself, lol!

Thanks for the pep talk. It really helps to hear that and to know other people have my back!



huntersglenn September 14 2015, 02:03:36 UTC
I'm glad you were able to unwind some. Distractions are good - and when the distractions can be hot men in Hawaii, even better (evil grin)!


gateruner September 14 2015, 20:04:44 UTC
Yes! Those are the best kind of distractions. :D


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