What can go wrong, will go wrong

Jun 28, 2015 13:52

I managed to get my schoolbooks I will need for this fall ordered the other day. It still slays me how outrageous the cost is, even on Amazon. But it's a hell of a lot cheaper than the school bookstore, that's for sure!

Still, $283 for books hurts the pocketbook, no two ways about it. I've already received the pathogenic microbiology book and atlas. The book is HUGE and unbelievably heavy. My back is not going to be happy carting it around campus. The other books aren't small by any means, but not like this sucker. Eeesh.

Got a text this morning from our bank stating that there were a bunch of charges that needed to be verified on a debit card. I quickly looked up our account online and didn't find a couple of them listed on the online statement. So I tried to call USAA, but of course being a Sunday, I couldn't get a hold of anyone. I was reluctant to reply to the text because I haven't ever received one before from them and didn't know if it could be a hoax.

I was digging through the website trying to find a phone number to call and what do you know, USAA calls me. They wanted verification of the charges. It turned out it was Craig's debit card on our checking account and that only one of the listed charges was bogus. But it was for some grocery wholesale store in Baltimore, MD for like $260. It wasn't showing up on my statement because only the authorization went through, but not actually the charge. The lady said the card was run as a credit (which can be done, obviously. But that also meant they didn't have the PIN, thank goodness!) and USAA flagged it.

Of course that meant we had to cancel Craig's debit card and issue a new one with a new PIN. This is disturbing to say the least. Last week we got a call from Chase in regards to his Best Buy Mastercard account. There was a $776 charge to Target in Brooklyn, NY. Again, the card company declined the charge but had to cancel and reissue the card.

I tried to tell Craig then to look into it, but he just brushed it off. Now... well do I need to give him a big fat I told you so?

There was yet ANOTHER data breach of government employees a couple of weeks ago, I'm sure some of you heard about it. And Craig conveniently forgot to tell me that he had received a letter from OPM regarding that breach and that his identity may have been compromised. Grrrr!

Good news is that the gov't actually looks like it's going to do something. They've offered a free credit monitoring system for a year, so I've gone ahead and signed us up. Craig also told me that one of the guys in his unit had one of his cards try to be used somewhere in the Northeastern US within the last week as well. Not a good sign.

It's always something.....

school, life

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